This is ZEST

Zillion Events, Stay Tuned!
Discover online events and live streams from around the world. Enhance interaction and sharing among friends and artists. ZEST is the way to give zest to an online music experience.

Instantly access streaming concerts

Enjoy your favourite events and stream concerts at home! All it takes is an internet-connected screen and a smartphone to use as a controller!

Experiencing the fantastic world of concerts has never been so easy and fun!

Access an ever-growing catalog of more than 500 events! Whether you prefer you'll find something you like in ZEST!

Invite your friends, anyone with a screen can join the party!

Invite your friends, follow each other and get suggestions for shows that you'll want to attend together.

Share your experience!

Collect tickets and show your friend your events' pictures. Save your favourite events and get suggestions about shows and concerts that you can't lose.
Share with your friends your experience!

How does it work?

Your smartphone turns into a controller and you can live an interactive experience

Simply launch ZEST app on your smartphone.

Then connect your laptop, tablet or smart TV

And enjoy the concert interacting with the public and with your friends

Enjoy ZEST!

ZEST, acronym of Zillion Events, Stay Tuned, is also a synonims for enthusiasm and energy.
ZEST is a project addressed to all the music events’ lovers, who can not to join a physical concert.

Download the app today. It's free!

Our mission

ZEST was born from the willingness to help one of those sections of the workforce who had no possibilities to earn during the period of quarantine: the artists in the music field. In fact, the vast majority of music artists’ earnings come from live concerts, one of the last services that will be reopened to public.
Moreover, many indipendent artists could lose in part their audience and fall by the wayside because of the missing of the physical concerts, through which they were able to fidelize people. For that reason, it seemed to be necessary to enable music artists to engage their audience with a valuable and worth-to-pay digital experience, thanks to which they could earn (in terms of economic gain, but also of strenghtening their presence in the music field, by keeping in touch with their fans).

About us

ZEST is a university project for the Interaction Design Studio course of the Politecnico di Milano.
Our team is made up of four students of the Communication Design master’s degree.


Susanna Calabrese

Lorenzo Di Leonardo

Matilde Mammana

Virginia Migliorini